The 7th MISS Summit Forum


Welcome Message

ごあいさつ Dear Colleagues,

On this occasion, we are pleased to be able to hold the 7th MISS Summit Forum, which is scheduled for March 1, 2014 (Sat) at " Aichi Spine Institute", located in the Niwa District of Aichi Prefecture.

We hold this forum once a year in Japan, with the aim of promoting the spread and development of MISS. We held the previous forum in a joint international conference with the "Asian Conference of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques (ACMISST)", and conducted academic exchanges with specialist spine doctors from the Asian region. MISS (Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery) is being developed as a safe leading edge surgical method which along with minimizing the burden of treatment on the body has few risks of after-effects and so on, which allows for a speedy recovery and return to daily life. Starting originally with incisions measured in centimeters, we have now progressed to mm, and will continue to proceed in the direction of even less invasive surgery in the future.

This forum will be centered on the specialist spine doctors of Japan, and we hope to carry out a lively academic exchange and debate on spine surgery. In addition, if you are a doctor who is interested in MISS, the features of this forum are the special interest live surgeries and a number of expert presentations, both of which we expect will make it a substantial gathering. Because I think that this is a good opportunity to get involved with the most recent developments in MISS, I invite you to by all means attend the forum.

The forum venue is located 30 minutes to the north of Nagoya city by train, and is a place with good transportation links. The national treasure Inuyama Castle and the traditional townscape of the nearby Inuyama City, along with Meiji village, and the famous Monkey Park, make it the leading tourist destination of the region. As for the national treasure Inuyama Castle which stands on a mound above the Kiso River, it is Japan's oldest surviving castle, and when you climb up to the top of it on foot, you can see majestic views over the Nobi Plain, and you can feel like you are a military commander of the feudal warlord era. I am very much looking forward to meeting everyone who manages to arrange their busy schedule to come to this area. Finally, let us create and share new techniques and technology together.

Dr. Fujio Ito
President & Representative Organizer of the MISS Summit Forum
Director of Aichi Spine Institute